GulshanNoorani Acupuncture & Nutritional Therapy in Central London

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Gulshan Noorani
MPS Therapy

Welcome to Pretty Healthy


Who am I and how can I help

My name is Gulshan Noorani and I am a practitioner of acupuncture, Chinese and Western nutrition and herbal medicine. In my practice, the whole person and not just the symptoms is considered when determining treatment protocol.  I have an in-depth knowledge of pathology, contemporary health issues and am able to integrate Western nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) nutrition and acupuncture.  Currently I’m training to be a Dolphin MPS (micro-pulse system) practitioner. 


I am skilled (trained) in a variety of acupuncture methods such as TCM, Balance and Distal methods, Motor Point Acupuncture, Scalp Acupuncture as well as electro-acupuncture, cupping and moxa (moxibustion). My aim in practice is to  identify patients’ root causes of disease; lifestyle and emotional issues that may lead to ill health according to TCM; and nutritional deficiencies.  Through these therapeutic methods, the support provided may help patients manage their symptoms, improve their state of mind and increase their emotional, mental and physical well-being.  For me, acupuncture is an art which requires skill, knowledge, compassion and a delicate touch.

The clinic I work from is a multi-disciplined clinic and operates out of two locations in the Barbican and Islington area and are easily accessible by local bus and train services. 


Why choose acupuncture?

Although in the West, acupuncture is viewed as an ‘alternative’ therapy, in Asian countries it is seen as as an integral part of traditional medicine dating back thousands of years to prevent and treat disease. (1). It is acknowledged by 113 of WHO (World Health Organisation) Member States as the most common form of traditional medicine practice (2) and is used in 103 of 129 countries that report data to the WHO.  Usage of acupuncture in the United States has increased by 50% between the years 2002 and 2012. (3).  In the UK, 3.8 million acupuncture treatments were given yearly by private and NHS practitioners. (4).  According to John Hopkins Medicine, acupuncture is believed to stimulate the central nervous system releasing chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord and brain which may stimulate the body’s healing abilities. (5)


Acupuncture is globally popular and many people with all sorts of health issues, both straightforward or complex resort to acupuncture as an add-on to conventional medicine.  . To view A to Z acupuncture research fact sheets courtesy of the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC), please click here


Please note that acupuncture is not a substitute for medical mainstream health care but as a beneficial adjunct support. 









"suffering for years from heavy and chronic seasonal migraines - it got to 3 life-ruining attacks a week! - to try acupuncture with Gulshan Noorani….she is highly knowledgeable and considerate, and instantaneously bounces off the results she sees to adopt individual, accurate new ways to tackle the problem. My issue was her concern, and I was so relieved to see that after 4 sessions and along a diet she worked out for me, the migraines were finally hugely alleviated."

If you are looking for a top quality, incredibly friendly and highly experienced acupuncture and/or cupping therapist, look no further than booking an appointment with Ms Gulshan Noorani. After just one session with her, she has fixed what dozens of physiotherapists, massage therapists and chiropractors have failed to fix over the past 5 years...

I have fibromyalgia and severe joint hyper-mobility. I am always in constant pain and have tried everything to alleviate it. The acupuncture with Gulshan is the only treatment that has not just alleviated the pain but made it disappear....



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Dolphin MPS


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What can acupuncture do for you?



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